I am sure we all heard about "Rabbit and tortoise story" in our child hood. Also we might have heard the saying "slow and steady wins the race" but does that really happen? Where do these inspiring stories and sayings of history come from? Tale: Progress might be slow sometimes Last week on my nephew's sports day in school, parents too were included in sports competition and small tasks to keep up the enthusiasm and morale of the kid's and to cheer them up on their big day. Now the first competition between parents was to walk some distance with paper plates in two hands with plastic balls filled in both the plates, they had to make sure none of the plastic balls fell on the ground, they had to return back to the same point they started after reaching the distance specified with same rule, my brother in law and sister made it to the other side but while returning to the starting point one of the plastic balls fell down for which they will be given maximum 3 chances to grab up and move fast but they lost interest at first drop itself and stopped it and did not participate in other competitions for that day. Now it’s the turn of my nephew, he made it through the finals for running race after qualifying in couple of dummy races before the final one. Final round was slightly tricky, they have to run as fast as they can to specified distance jump over the hurdles at some distance and at "last reaching point" they have to make a small pyramid like structure with the plastic bricks placed at the end point. After doing so they have to quickly run back to the starting point again. As the race began my nephew fell down in the middle of the race for some reason and lost interest in the competition and he sat on the ground taking the competition lightly, on the other end of the race my brother in law and sister were trying to pamper him, motivate him to get up and do what is required, whatever may be the result, he sat down still for a minute or two, he was already last in the race, even though he had no interest to continue further due to continuous pampering and pestering of my brother in law and sister he got up finally ran quickly jumped the hurdles and placed the pyramid properly and ran back to the starting point where his friends were already waiting who finished the race way before him and guess what he won the race, he was the first even though he was the last. He was declared the winner and got the first prize too. What really happened? even though all the kids seemed faster than him and didn’t fall anywhere during the race, during the pyramid part they goofed up, in the joy of reaching early and in rush to run back quickly to the starting point no one seems to have placed the pyramid properly. Only my nephew’s pyramid stood by and rest of the pyramids fell down in few seconds of other kid’s after reaching their starting point. Moral/Lesson we learnt from it: 1. “It's better to fail than failing to complete what we started”, winning is not important always but completing the task is, you never know what’s in store. 2. In the joy of being fast, in the rush of completing things fast, sometimes we forget quality out of over confidence for quick results. 3. It’s never good to give up on thing’s even if you clearly see you are losing. 4. Never celebrate too early on anything. About Author: Dave I am so positive in life that even my blood group is B+. Hyderabad
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